Passive - Will have the media (eg. music, film) in the background as they do something else, or won't want to watch the film but go to the cinema anyway.
Traditional - Watch only their typical favourite genre, usually go to the cinema or buy dvd's. Examples of films for traditional audiences: sequels such as Harry Potter, Star Wars etc.
Hedonist - Take a leap of faith, and watch whatever they want at the time. They don't plan their cinema trips they just go with their sudden feelings. Hedonists tend to go with new ideas and new ways of doing things, for example they'd rather stream movies than go to the cinema. Examples of films for hedonist audiences: Sin city, as it takes different concepts of films into one (eg. film noir)
Post Modern - Usually intellectual films, which use different forms of media. Will usually stream films than go to the cinema or buy dvds like the hedonist views. Sweded films are a post modern technique. Examples of films for this audience: Avatar.
I think I consume media actively, I am hedonistic and slightly post modern. I usually stream films as it's cheaper than going to the cinema, and so I don't mind if the film isn't to my taste. As for going to the cinema, I'm still a hedonist, as my favourite genre is horror, and most horror films are rated higher than my age, and so I cannot watch in the cinema. Also, as my favourite genre is horror, I like to watch other genres as the horror genre is a genre that follows a sequence and most horror films are very similar to each other, (typical conventions slide share seen below) so by watching a different genre of film, I consume inspiring media.
Vimeo example link.
Audience from cigdemkalem
This slideshare helped me understand different audience types as mentioned in class. The theories mentioned in the slideshare were not mentioned by my teacher, but by finding this slideshare I have a wider understanding.
As my OTS genre is neo noir, my audience will more likely be hedonistic as neo noir is a rather new genre that takes the old genre, of film noir, and recreates it. I believe every person in my media class consumes media actively, and as I will be asking for my peers view on my OTS, I will get a more analysed opinion of it.
This slideshare helped me understand different audience types as mentioned in class. The theories mentioned in the slideshare were not mentioned by my teacher, but by finding this slideshare I have a wider understanding.
As my OTS genre is neo noir, my audience will more likely be hedonistic as neo noir is a rather new genre that takes the old genre, of film noir, and recreates it. I believe every person in my media class consumes media actively, and as I will be asking for my peers view on my OTS, I will get a more analysed opinion of it.
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